BS Companion


BS Tabs

Wrap your tabs nav with a bs-tabs components and let the magic happen!.

Add a responsive attribute to make your tabs collapsable to a dropdown.

home tab
profile tab

Add a linkable attribute to make your tabs linkable through anchors. By default, linkable tabs replace history. If you expect back/forward button to move in tabs, set linkable="nav".

You can also have lazy loadable nodes by using `lazy-loader`, simply wrap them and they will get a lazyload event that you can listen only once.

It's better to not have any active class, but they will get removed anyway.

Nested tabs are supported as long as they follow parentid__childid convention.

In order to restore the proper when submitting the a form (eg: after redirecting back), any input with the name _hash will get the current hash value

panel 1
i'm lazy
panel 2
i'm lazy

This have linkable nested tabs

nested 1
i'm lazy
nested 2
i'm lazy

Tabs that can be navigated with back/forward.

panel 1
panel 2